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Remote Sensing Training for Mining Regulation
Training civil servants of a ministry of mining on GIS and satellite imagery analysis

Assessment of Climate Resilience in Iraq: Mapping Climate Hazards and Vulnerabilities
Iraq Context and issues The World Bank commissioned Masae Analytics, through a consortium with other actors, to map climate hazards and...

Context Study for a Sanitation and Rainwater Drainage Project in Iraq
Context Study Related to a Sanitation and Rainwater drainage project in Iraq

Wheat Production Mapping using Remote Sensing
Middle-East Context and issues Livelihoods in several regions of Middle-East depend heavily on wheat production, which has been suffering...

Geospatial Analysis Training for a Development Actor
Training a development actor on how to use tools and datasets on infrastructures and urban transitions

Remote Monitoring of Construction Projects
Africa Context and issues Infrastructure projects in unstable areas can be challenging to monitor on the ground. Masae is frequently...

Access to Infrastructure and Population Density Estimation in Refugee Camps
Chad, Ethiopia, Sudan , Uganda, Cameroon Context and issues Gaining knowledge on refugee camps is critical to provide appropriate...

Measuring Urban Expansion in Rural Iraq
Iraq Context and Issues An international NGO seeking to provide support to populations in Anbar needed visibility on population patterns...

Identifying Target Zones for an Agricultural Development Program using Satellite-derived Data
An international NGO was preparing the implementation of a major program aiming to improve the resilience capacity of farmer households...

Evaluating the Impact of Irrigation Weirs on Vegetation using Satellite Imagery
Several irrigation weirs have been constructed in Chad in order to support the local agricultural sector.

Using Satellite Imagery to Measure Impact of Agricultural Support Development Programmes
An International Development Agency rehabilitated irrigation canals in Iraq in order to support the local agricultural sector...

Sampling Dwellings from Satellite-derived Population Data for Household Surveys
In order to conduct a survey among populations hosting refugees in Ethiopia, Masae was asked to build a representative sample of households

Assessing Deforestation in Arid Areas with Satellite Image Time Series
Masae was requested by the AFD to identify deforested zones and assess the volume of available ressources near Niamey

Detecting Rural Habitat using Deep Learning on Satellite Imagery
Knowing where people live and counting them is crucial in many of Masae's assignments, more specifically in rural areas

Estimating Cities Destruction with Satellite Radar Data
Destructions in conflict-ridden countries can be challenging to assess, leading to potentially mismatched humanitarian responses

Locating Refugee Presence using Deep Learning on Satellite Imagery
Because of the war, thousands of Syrians have fled their homeland to seek refuge in Lebanon
Many of them live in informal rural settlements.
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