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Evaluating the Impact of Irrigation Weirs on Vegetation using Satellite Imagery
Several irrigation weirs have been constructed in Chad in order to support the local agricultural sector.

Using Satellite Imagery to Measure Impact of Agricultural Support Development Programmes
An International Development Agency rehabilitated irrigation canals in Iraq in order to support the local agricultural sector...

Sampling Dwellings from Satellite-derived Population Data for Household Surveys
In order to conduct a survey among populations hosting refugees in Ethiopia, Masae was asked to build a representative sample of households

Mapping Influence on Social Networks
Understanding interactions between main influencers on social media is key for public decision-takers

Assessing Deforestation in Arid Areas with Satellite Image Time Series
Masae was requested by the AFD to identify deforested zones and assess the volume of available ressources near Niamey

Geo-marketing Platform for a Satellite Operator
The client, a satellite operator, wanted to have an overview of the most promising locations to expend their business on.

Mapping Potential for Off-Grid Solar Systems with Geospatial Data and Machine Learning
A solar electricity provider asked Masae to identify promising sales areas in two West-African countries.

Detecting Rural Habitat using Deep Learning on Satellite Imagery
Knowing where people live and counting them is crucial in many of Masae's assignments, more specifically in rural areas

Web Platform for Mobile Coverage Maps
Telecom Operators need to identify areas where it makes economic sense to install new base stations (BTS) in order to expand their reach.

Protecting Reputation and Brand Image on Social Networks
Analysing corporate reputation / brand image on social networks and counter boycott and offensive opinion

Building a Geographic Sampling Frame for a Household Survey
Masae was asked to select the best locations to conduct household interviews in Iraq.

360° Mobile Data Discovery
In a highly concentrated market, an African MNO was time pressured to enhance its performance.

Mining Transactional Data to Understand Customer Journey in Mobile Money
Information on mobile money customer journey after registration is usually scarce

Estimating Cities Destruction with Satellite Radar Data
Destructions in conflict-ridden countries can be challenging to assess, leading to potentially mismatched humanitarian responses

Geo-marketing Platform for Mobile Money Customer Management
Granular geo-located data is essential for mobile operators to know where they can acquire customers, staff more/less agents, boost usage…

Understanding Public Opinion via Social Media
Social networks are a precious source of information on public opinion, including in post-conflict environments
Analyzing popular reactions

Rural Markets Detection for Financial Inclusion with Mobile Data Analytics
Financial inclusion is often very low in rural areas in large part because of low densities, challenging topography, low income levels, etc.

Locating Refugee Presence using Deep Learning on Satellite Imagery
Because of the war, thousands of Syrians have fled their homeland to seek refuge in Lebanon
Many of them live in informal rural settlements.

Understanding Audience Reaction to Communication and Media Campaigns
Some organisations in charge of stabilization and peace recovery in conflict-affected countries use Facebook pages to promote key messages

Development Trust Funds Monitoring and Analytics Platforms
Large-scale development programmes lead to the implementation of multi-million dollar projects by dozens of partners in complex environments
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