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Supporting Financial Inclusion by Mapping CICO Agents
Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya Context and issues Mobile money agents play an important in facilitating cash-in and cash-out (CICO)...

Context Study for a Sanitation and Rainwater Drainage Project in Iraq
Context Study Related to a Sanitation and Rainwater drainage project in Iraq

Child-Centered Risk Assessment in Mozambique
UNICEF commissioned Masae to build a website mapping risks facing children and climate change vulnerability in different regions of Mozambiq

Monitoring Financial Inclusion in Tunisia
Tunisia Context and issues The Financial Inclusion Observatory, part of the Central Bank of Tunisia, wanted to federate financial...

Geomarketing Platform for Off-Grid Solar Electricity
A solar electricity provider asked Masae to identify promising sales areas in Liberia.

Data-management Platform for the Agro-forestry Business
Africa Context and issues A private firm specialized in agro-forestry was looking for a way to handle the massive amounts of data coming...

Dynamic Mobile Coverage Maps during Natural Disasters
Worldwide Context and issues Natural disasters can damage telecommunication infrastructure and in turn affect communication which is a...

Building an Education Management Information System
Yemen Context and issues In the framework of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), UNESCO Yemen tasked Masae to develop an...

Granular Community Mapping in Somalia
Somalia Context and Issues An international organisation seeking to provide assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) needed to...

Visualisation Platform for Mobile Money Market Insights
Masae was missioned by the GSM Association (GSMA) to design and develop a dashboard providing insights on the mobile money market

Data Visualisation Platform for Off-Grid Solar Energy Investment Insights
An off-grid solar energy association asked Masae to develop a platform allowing to visualise and query a database containing information abo

Assessing Deforestation in Arid Areas with Satellite Image Time Series
Masae was requested by the AFD to identify deforested zones and assess the volume of available ressources near Niamey

Geo-marketing Platform for a Satellite Operator
The client, a satellite operator, wanted to have an overview of the most promising locations to expend their business on.

Mapping Potential for Off-Grid Solar Systems with Geospatial Data and Machine Learning
A solar electricity provider asked Masae to identify promising sales areas in two West-African countries.

Web Platform for Mobile Coverage Maps
Telecom Operators need to identify areas where it makes economic sense to install new base stations (BTS) in order to expand their reach.

Geo-marketing Platform for Mobile Money Customer Management
Granular geo-located data is essential for mobile operators to know where they can acquire customers, staff more/less agents, boost usage…

Development Trust Funds Monitoring and Analytics Platforms
Large-scale development programmes lead to the implementation of multi-million dollar projects by dozens of partners in complex environments
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